As usual, I’ve added plenty of stuff and new ideas…. enough that some people think I’m not alone, but yes, I’m doing it all alone, like a big guy!
Mixed stuff:
- A lots of new files (lpscenes and lpactions)
- Added few line of texts on few files.
- Some bugfixes.
- Fixes some typos.
- You can now donate your breast milk (You need to be pregnant in order to donate breast milk.)
- Train your dog, 2 types of training.
- Play with your pet, now have a scene.
- Play with your pet, you can now play with your horse.
- I have added “If !Actor.isCreature()” on some Ravenger6660 files.
- Added compatibility for other mods.
- You now have a button to return home, under PC.
- You can now sell your house.
- Now in Personal Care: you do not always need to go to the bathroom for action.
- Progressive implementation of jealousy
- On some scenes, you can blackmail coursemate/professor
- Now misogyny Yes means Slave
- gay misogyny Yes means Anal or Pussies (for lesb.)
- misogyny Pro Girl Yes means Cash (not lesb.)
Because stock_video is the inventory for the movies you buy in stores and for the ones you make yourself.
So I changed this:
- stock_video: Will be for movies you buy in the store.
- Personal vids: Will be for XXX movies you make yourself.
- Normal_vids: Will be for non XXX movies you make yourself.
Same for photo/picture:
- stock_photo: Will be the non XXX pics you make yourself.
- Personal_pics: Will be the non XXX pics you make yourself.
Also, you can now produce/sell regular calendar/magazine/movies
When you sell calendar/magazine/movies representing yourself “as an amateur”, your sale are based on your attractiveness or pornfame
You can also produce/sell regular and XXX movies, and sell them at: cinema, variety_store, marketplace, department_store, computer, electronics
Added content to:
- buy_home.lpscene
- house_viewing.lpscene
- fraternity_peep.lpscene
First work restriction implemented:
You can’t teach people if you don’t have the knowledge.
To become a teacher, you must have taken these 3 courses: Classical, Education and English.
New stories:
- A wasted friend call
- University Museum
- Bethy Chalders
- Sorority_Girls
- I added one tutorial: [Doc] How to make a LifePlay mod?